Clinical depression, for me. If I ever tell my husband I've been seized by a wild impulse to deep clean our apartment, he'll immediately assume I'm joking, high, pregnant, or in the throes of a mental health crisis.
And yet the apartment still demands to be cleaned on a regular basis. Usually I'm a master of ignoring this need until I come home one day to find that my husband has vacuumed everything and cleaned the kitchen, but around the holidays I'm a little bit better. After all, even I will concede that you can't decorate a dirty house. (I mean, clearly you can, but what's the point of decorating if you don't want to show it off?) So autumn cleaning is on the agenda!
I'm going to do it in stages, since more than 90 minutes of cleaning without a break just makes me cranky. Tonight I did the couch and entertainment center portion of the living room, which also covers the semi-annual dusting of roughly 100 geeky toys, statues, and stuffed animals, and roughly 1000 DVDs. So... that's done, and the living room looks very nice, and I'm trying not to think about how each of those knickknacks is once again gathering dust right. this. minute.
Friday I'll move on to the other bookcase of tiny dusty geeky things and the windows. We live in an apartment, so the exterior windows are not our responsibility, but the interior sides could use a once-over... especially because last Halloween I got frustrated that none of the suction cups for the window decorations would hold, and just taped them to the windows. Which worked really well, until I went to take them down and discovered that 31 days of the sun baking them into the windows had pretty much fused the tape into the glass. Oops. I scraped some of it off but I'm pretty sure some residue is still there.
I haven't decided how to affix the window decorations this year. I'm running a little late in general - normally I like to decorate right away so I can bask in the Halloween all month - but the end of September left me a little disorganized and demoralized, so I didn't get to it. But I've perked up a little now and I'm ready to get in the spirit.
I was on a bit of an upswing, but the capper to it was coming home to this:
If you haven't seen it yet, go out and buy it immediately. I think it's my favorite thing Marvel produced this year.
Tune in tomorrow for something hopefully more exciting than cleaning my apartment. And, continue to follow me on Instagram, for #31daysofHalloween and costume pictures!
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